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Huis kopen in Italie , hoe!

Makelaardij Le Case di Dorrie is krachtens de Italiaanse wetgeving bevoegd voor bemiddeling in transacties in onroerend goed en bedrijfsovernames. Le Case di Dorrie berekent de gangbare courtage van 3% (+ BTW) PER PARTIJ met een minimum van 4000 Euro (bij bedrijfsovernames 5% +BTW met een minimum van 5000 Euro). Voor bezichtigingen van meer dan 1 dag wordt een uurtarief berekend. Bij koop wordt dit bedrag van de courtage afgetrokken. Zie voor meer details onder onze service.

Lees meer over Italie

Aanbevolen woningen in Italie

Torretta di Crucoli, Italie

Prijs op aanvraag

30.000 VIEWERS! 8 Strandwoningen in 1 Deal! Tweede huis in Italië kopen?

Hotel in Calabrie , Italie


Hotel Italy with financial Aids , now 17.000 Viewers

Ons woningaanbod in Italie

Landhuis, 2 garages 150m2 Zee ligging Italie € 135.000
Landhuis, 2 garages 150m2 Zee ligging Italie € 135.000


Italie, Cirò Marina: Landhuis met 2000 m2 perceel , kustligging. Kopen tweede huis in Italie Calabrie Tweede woning... Lees meer

Ledro, Tiarno di Sopra. A refuge among the Trentino valleys
Ledro, Tiarno di Sopra. A refuge among the Trentino valleys


Italie, Trento: In the heart of the Trentino mountains, in the charming village of Tiarno di Sopra, there was a charming apartment located on the first floor of a small building with only two residential units. It... Lees meer

House for sale in Monte Petriolo
House for sale in Monte Petriolo


Italie, Perugia: House for sale in Monte Petriolo. This house is located on the border with the territories of the municipalities of Marsciano and Piegaro, 18 km south-west of Perugia. The village develops on a small... Lees meer

Tregnago, renovated rustic portion with 10,000 m2 of land in the Valpolicella DOC area
Tregnago, renovated rustic portion with 10,000 m2 of land in the Valpolicella DOC area


Italie, Tregnago: Leaving behind the village of Tregnago and following the road that climbs up the hills towards San Giovanni Ilarione, after a few minutes a small sign invites us to take a dirt road to the right,... Lees meer

Zeezicht gerenoveerd appartement Crotone Euro 65.000
Zeezicht gerenoveerd appartement Crotone Euro 65.000


Italie, crotone: Resale Appartement Italie ... Lees meer

zeezicht appartement Calabrie
zeezicht appartement Calabrie


Italie, ciro marina : Italie zeezicht appartement tweedehuis tweedeverblijf ... Lees meer



Italie, San Lucido: Property to renovate with stunning views.... Lees meer

Hotel with renovation aids.
Hotel with renovation aids.


Italie, Hotel in Calabrie : Hotel Italy with financial Aids , now 17.000 Viewers... Lees meer

Volano, attic. A jewel in the historic center
Volano, attic. A jewel in the historic center


Italie, Volano: So, let's start from the fact that this attic is perfect, and I could stop here, but I know that's not enough for you so let's look at it together. You can find it in the center of Volano, a small... Lees meer

Scicli, the pearl in the Beneventano palace
Scicli, the pearl in the Beneventano palace


Italie, Scicli: Have you ever read "the secret garden"? I love the moment when Mary discovers the wooden door and the wonderful place that hides behind it. Today we will give you a similar experience. In Scicli,... Lees meer

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